Video Credits

Special thanks to Dina and Jonathan Leader of The Leader Family Fund for their generous grant in support of this project.

Producer & Director: Sam Bodenheimer

Associate Producer: Kurt Enger
Video Editor: Jeff Thacher
Motion Graphics Designer:  Vlada Reznikova

Music Composers:
R’ Baruch Chait composed the classic “Kol HaOlam Kulo” tune,  used in this video 1:00-1:37
Sam Bodenheimer composed this new tune 0:00-0:59, 1:38-2:10

Music & Vocal Arrangers:
Jon Spurney
Paula Valstein
Sam Bodenheimer
Sean Altman

Noah Solomon
Paula Valstein
Sean Altman
Neshama Carlebach

Audio Engineers:
Rob Guariglia
Jon Spurney
David Morgan
Jeff Thacher

Photography provided by:
Joint Distribution Committee – Sarah Eisenman, Rebecca Neuwirth, Michael Geller
Karen Gillerman Harel
Jodi Samuels
Sam Bodenheimer
Kurt Enger
Jack Gozcu

Video Footage Featuring:
Carmel School Association, Hong Kong – provided by Erica Lyons, Founder, Asian Jewish Life
Monterrey, Mexico group  – provided by David Attias and Edith Lozano
NYC, USA – special thanks to Steve Eisenberg and JICNY, videoed by Kurt Enger
Children of Putti Village, Uganda– provided by Rachel Ishofsky, Jewish For Hearts Africa
Moscow, Russia– provided and led by Emilia Litman
Haiti and Sri Lanka footage provided by Joint Distribution Committee

Video Appearances:
Noah Solomon- vocalist
Yavuz Hubes – Turkish kanun instrumentalist
Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks – spoken word  and voiceover
Paula Valstein- vocalist

“One Heart, One Voice, One World”  Appearances:
Lola Akinola- Actress
Vanessa Hidary – “The Hebrew Mamita”
Seth Cohen – Schusterman Foundation
Shira Bitansky- Shalva
Bizu Rikki Mullu- Chasida Shmella
Liron David- Producer
Sivan Yaari – Founder, Jewish Hearts For Africa
Ilja Sichrovsky, Founder Muslim Jewish Conference
Dina Leader, Community Activist
Steven Miller – Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Yoel Saidian
Andi Grgley, Chairperson, European Union of Jewish Students
Nava Silton Brandwein, Marymount Manhattan College
Georgina Haden
Kiana Daniel – Invest Diva
Benjamin Sigel –  Co-chair, ACCESS Global
Sam Bodenheimer – Spicerack Music