
The Kol HaOlam Project (KHP)  – healing the world through harmony

The Kol HaOlam Project utilizes music and social networks to connect people from all over the world to existing volunteer opportunities and to each other.   Through joining in creative media productions, individuals lend their voice and energy toward promoting humanitarian efforts, while learning more about one another’s respective cultures and countries.

Thank you to the many organizations, artists, social activists and individuals working daily to improve our planet and better connect all of its citizens to one another.  Thank you for inspiring this project.

With your help, we will:
One Heart–  inspire new volunteer energy toward existing humanitarian and cross-cultural projects
One Voice– empower individuals to globally express their creativity toward social action
One World–  produce and showcase appealing media and entertainment content to reach mass audiences and propel forward a global movement toward heightened consciousness, volunteerism, and unity.


Are you:

A) A caring individual looking for exciting global volunteer opportunities
B) An activist looking to promote an important humanitarian or bridge-building effort
C) An organization looking for volunteers and/or an exciting new platform through which to reach them
D)  An artist/social activist looking to lend your voice and be heard
E) Curious to learn more, and meet new people around the world

Join Us!!

Subscribe to our mailing list to be kept up to date of our developments in the year ahead.  We are new, we are passionate, and we look forward to embarking on this journey together with you.

In the spirit of Chanukah, may we all be blessed with much light, happiness, and success, and  take the opportunities we have each day to serve as candles  of help, hope, and harmony, to create miracles, here and now, throughout our beautiful world.